
  1. 初来乍到英文版100句好词?



1. Welcome! \- 热烈欢迎!

2. Nice to meet you! \- 很高兴见到你!

3. How do you do? \- 你好吗?

4. Where are you from? \- 你来自哪里?

5. I#39;m new here. \- 我是新来的。

6. What brings you to our city? - 你为什么来我们这个城市?

7. I#39;m excited to be here! \- 我很高兴来到这里!

8. I hope you enjoy your stay here. \- 希望你在这里过得愉快。

9. Let me show you around. \- 让我带你四处看看。

10. It#39;s a beautiful day today. \- 今天天气真好。

11. The food here is great! \- 这里的食物非常好!

12. This place is full of history and culture. \- 这个地方充满了历史和文化。

13. Have you tried any local specialties? \- 你尝过当地的特色菜吗?

14. I love the people here, they#39;re so friendly. \- 我很喜欢这里的人,他们非常友好。

15. The scenery here is breathtaking. \- 这里风景如画。

16. I can#39;t believe how fast time flies when I#39;m having fun. \- 当我在玩的时候,我简直不敢相信时间过得这么快。

17. Life here is much simpler than in my hometown. \- 这里的生活比我在家乡的生活简单得多。

18. I feel like I#39;ve found a home away from home here. - 我觉得我在这里找到了一个家外之家。

19. This city has so much to offer, I never want to leave. \- 这个城市有这么多可以提供的东西,我不想离开。

20. It#39;s been a pleasure meeting you, and I look forward to staying in touch. \- 能认识你真是太好了,期待与你保持联系。

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