
  1. 外企邮件格式?




1. 主题(Subject):简洁明了概括邮件内容。

2. 称呼(Salutation):根据收件人身份和称谓确定称呼方式。

3. 正文(Body):要点突出,语句简短,行文流畅。

4. 结尾(Closing):用于结束正文,可表达感谢或期待回复等意义。

5. 署名(Signature):用于署名发件人姓名和职位等信息。



称呼:Dear Sir/Madam(尊敬的先生/女士)


I am writing to inquire about your company#39;s current product line and pricing for a potential cooperation project.

We are a consumer electronics manufacturer based in the United States and we are interested in collaborating with suppliers who can provide us with high-quality products at competitive prices. After reviewing your company#39;s website, we believe that your products would be a good match for our needs.

Could you please provide us with more detailed information about your product line, pricing, and delivery options? Additionally, we would appreciate it if you could include any information about your company#39;s quality control processes and certifications.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. We look forward to hearing from you soon and hope that we can establish a mutually beneficial business relationship.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

结尾:Kind regards(祝好),Sincerely(诚挚地),Best(最好的祝愿)

署名:[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company]

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